sâmbătă, 19 septembrie 2009

So came in here to write so that's what I'm going to do ^_^ write about banalities is somethings most people do about thoughts feelings experiences but what about dreams the essence of our soul imagination is something many take for granted don't make use of it don't waste imagination on usual stuff . Imagination can't be defined by limitations  it's  freedom in all it's splendor be brave and embrace your ideals and dreams and make use of imagination in order to make the best ideas come to life.As Albert Einstein stated “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” A real genius that made use of his imagination  in an innovative  way  got to admire that ^_^ hah hope you can still bare with me XD bringing this tribute to imagination :).

I would advise u all to do just one thing and that is to imagine yourself in an ideal place a beautiful place heaven never left humans it just retrieved in the back of our minds and it's rediscovered  every night in dreams . Good luck in finding Eden!!!! ^^

:D my first official  post and i must say i'm feeling great ^_^ yey vive l'art  :D and me along with it XD huggs to all who read this ^_^ 
:P hahahyey worked 2 hours ^_^ my boredom finally went away