joi, 31 decembrie 2009

The most commonly sung song for English-speakers on New Year's eve, "Auld Lang Syne" is an old Scottish song that was first published by the poet Robert Burns in the 1796 edition of the book, Scots Musical Museum. Burns transcribed it (and made some refinements to the lyrics) after he heard it sung by an old man from the Ayrshire area of Scotland, Burns's homeland. It is often remarked that "Auld Lang Syne" is one of the most popular songs that nobody knows the lyrics to. "Auld Lang Syne" literally translates as "old long since" and means "times gone by." The song asks whether old friends and times will be forgotten and promises to remember people of the past with fondness, "For auld lang syne, we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet."

The lesser known verses continue this theme, lamenting how friends who once used to "run about the braes,/ And pou'd the gowans fine" (run about the hills and pulled up the daisies) and "paidl'd in the burn/Frae morning sun till dine" (paddled in the stream from morning to dusk) have become divided by time and distance—"seas between us braid hae roar'd" (broad seas have roared between us). Yet there is always time for old friends to get together—if not in person then in memory—and "tak a right guid-willie waught" (a good-will drink).

Hogmanay (Scotland) The birthplace of "Auld Lang Syne" is also the home of Hogmanay (hog-mah-NAY), the rousing Scottish New Year's celebration (the origins of the name are obscure). One of the traditions is "first-footing." Shortly after midnight on New Year's eve, neighbors pay visits to each other and impart New Year's wishes. Traditionally, First foots used to bring along a gift of coal for the fire, or shortbread. It is considered especially lucky if a tall, dark, and handsome man is the first to enter your house after the new year is rung in. The Edinburgh Hogmanay celebration is the largest in the country, and consists of an all-night street party (visit their Hagmanay website here). Oshogatsu (Japan) The new year is the most important holiday in Japan, and is a symbol of renewal. In December, various Bonenkai or "forget-the-year parties" are held to bid farewell to the problems and concerns of the past year and prepare for a new beginning. Misunderstandings and grudges are forgiven and houses are scrubbed. At midnight on Dec. 31, Buddhist temples strike their gongs 108 times, in a effort to expel 108 types of human weakness. New Year's day itself is a day of joy and no work is to be done. Children receive otoshidamas, small gifts with money inside. Sending New Year's cards is a popular tradition—if postmarked by a certain date, the Japanese post office guarantees delivery of all New Year's cards on Jan. 1. Spain The Spanish ritual on New Year's eve is to eat twelve grapes at midnight. The tradition is meant to secure twelve happy months in the coming year. The Netherlands The Dutch burn bonfires of Christmas trees on the street and launch fireworks. The fires are meant to purge the old and welcome the new. Greece In Greece, New Year's day is also the Festival of St. Basil, one of the founders of the Greek Orthodox Church. One of the traditional foods served is Vassilopitta, or St Basil's cake. A silver or gold coin is baked inside the cake. Whoever finds the coin in their piece of cake will be especially lucky during the coming year. United States Probably the most famous tradition in the United States is the dropping of the New Year ball in Times Square, New York City, at 11:59 P.M. Thousands gather to watch the ball make its one-minute descent, arriving exactly at midnight. The tradition first began in 1907. The original ball was made of iron and wood; the current ball is made of Waterford Crystal, weighs 1,070 pounds, and is six feet in diameter. A traditional southern New Year's dish is Hoppin' John—black eyed peas and ham hocks. An old saying goes, "Eat peas on New Year's day to have plenty of everything the rest of the year." Another American tradition is the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. The Tournament of Roses parade that precedes the football game on New Year's day is made up of elaborate and inventive floats. The first parade was held in 1886. Widely Observed New Year Symbols and Traditions Resolutions: It is believed that the Babylonians were the first to make New Year's resolutions, and people all over the world have been breaking them ever since. The early Christians believed the first day of the new year should be spent reflecting on past mistakes and resolving to improve oneself in the new year. Fireworks: Noisemaking and fireworks on New Year's eve is believed to have originated in ancient times, when noise and fire were thought to dispel evil spirits and bring good luck. The Chinese are credited with inventing fireworks and use them to spectacular effect in their New Year's celebrations.

vineri, 30 octombrie 2009

^_^ ALL THE BEST AND HOPE YOU ALL SURVIVE THIS NIGHT :p =) enjoy watching scary movies and don't fall asleep or you'll wake up with a vampire near you XD take care :D btw this message will hunt you if you received it at midnight :P ;) in 1 2 3 hah at least here it's midnight soo :P

duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

Basic Card Symbols Seven or eight stars, a kneeling woman, a pool of water, two urns. Basic Tarot Story On the bleak landscape where the Tower stood, the Fool sits, empty, despairing. He hoped to find himself on this spiritual journey, but now he feels he's lost everything, even himself. Sitting on the cold stones, he gazes up at the night sky wondering what's left. And that is when he notices, nearby, a beautiful girl with two water urns. As he watches, she kneels by a pool of water illuminated with reflected starlight. She empties the urns, one into the pool, one onto the thirsty ground. "What are you doing," he asks her. She looks up at him, her eyes twinkling like stars. "I am refilling this pool, so that those who are thirsty may drink, and I am also watering the earth so that, come spring, the seeds will grow," she tells him. And then she adds, "Come. Drink." The Fool comes to kneel with her by the pool and drink. The water tastes wonderful, like liquid starlight. "I can see you are sad," the girl continues, "and I know why. But you must remember that you have not lost all. Knowledge, possibilities, and hope, you still have all of these. Like stars, they can lead you to a new future." Even as she says this, she began to fade away, like dew, vanishing. All that remains is a gleam that was at the center of her forehead. This rises up and up, until it settles in the night sky as a shining star. "Follow your star," the woman's voice seems to sing from that light, "and have hope." The Fool takes in a breath and rises. It is a dark night, a desolate land. But for the first time, he has a guiding light to show him the way. Distant as it is, it heals his heart, and restores his faith. Basic Tarot Meaning With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the Querent's thirst, with a guiding light to the future. Thirteen's Observations The Star is one of those cards everyone loves. In every deck, it is usually the most beautiful. It suggests the peace and harmony of its meaning. There is nothing negative about this card, but I think there is a trick to it. Whatever hope, healing, or future it offers, the reader must remember that it might not be immediate. This is a soft card, and like Aquarius, its vision is for tomorrow, not today. That's not to say that it offers no concrete benefits; it is a card that predicts unexpected help, but that help is only the first step. The star only reveals the future. It is up to the Querent to find his way to that future.

joi, 8 octombrie 2009

                 Silence is of gold

:P hahah soo pretty much bored loads of homework but hmm ^^ got to do it can't wait for the weekend *.* anyways met alot of interesting people al my life all special in their own way and i tried to learn abit myself through them. It's wonderful you just have to give them a chance thing that i find quite hard to do as i a very suspicious person XD.

i especially hmm dunno if copied is the word i adapted to my personality some qualities i admired at people i know soo got to thank them for the simple fact that i met them XD even though we didn't stayed in touch.

hmm Personality is relative as i seen in some cases change must be wanted by the person that wants to change and by the people around the person soo a positive environment can be made for the new feeling to prosper :D . Hahaha i sound like a lunatic zen guy =P  but stop and think for a second who you want to be what is that perfect version of you that you'd love to be in your head? sometimes what we think defines us as a person can be quite misleading as we want to be someone else another life something we aren't and that's all . Everyone has an inner core that represents 100% him it's much more exciting and good to be You than trying without succes to be a dream it's not fair for you and for others around you ^_^.

Ok talked enough non sence for a day XD so i'll just let you all a moment to meditate or bether yet sleep and do something youlike rather than reading about some stupid ideea of how you can leave bether :P soo Class dismissed ^_^ kisses and hugs take care <3<3<3

sâmbătă, 19 septembrie 2009

So came in here to write so that's what I'm going to do ^_^ write about banalities is somethings most people do about thoughts feelings experiences but what about dreams the essence of our soul imagination is something many take for granted don't make use of it don't waste imagination on usual stuff . Imagination can't be defined by limitations  it's  freedom in all it's splendor be brave and embrace your ideals and dreams and make use of imagination in order to make the best ideas come to life.As Albert Einstein stated “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” A real genius that made use of his imagination  in an innovative  way  got to admire that ^_^ hah hope you can still bare with me XD bringing this tribute to imagination :).

I would advise u all to do just one thing and that is to imagine yourself in an ideal place a beautiful place heaven never left humans it just retrieved in the back of our minds and it's rediscovered  every night in dreams . Good luck in finding Eden!!!! ^^

:D my first official  post and i must say i'm feeling great ^_^ yey vive l'art  :D and me along with it XD huggs to all who read this ^_^ 
:P hahahyey worked 2 hours ^_^ my boredom finally went away